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    The IDIOM approach to business rules and the development process by Mr Robert Love

    Mark Norton  20 January 2011 05:38:09 AM
    Mr Robert Love wrote this excellent description of the Idiom development approach while working with Idiom partner Object Oriented Ltd in 2004. Idiom is pleased to publish the article with permission. The article uses Tony Morgan's book

    "Business Rules and Information Systems: Aligning IT with Business Goals" (2002) for context, commenting and building on the book's propositions.

    The article remains fresh and relevant and provides useful information to any readers who are embarking on a rules development project. Please note that this article was not sponsored by Idiom, nor was Idiom involved in its authoring or subsequent review. The ideas that Mr Love presents are his own, and in some cases the terminology in the article is slightly different from Idiom's current terminology.

    The Zachman model is also discussed in some detail in the Appendix.

    Mr Love is currently in a senior technical role with UBS in Switzerland.