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    BPTrends - BPM and Data

    Mark Norton  29 April 2013 09:03:56 AM

    Paul Harmon, writing for the Business Process Trends Advisor on the subject of BPM and Data made the following comment:

    "If a given activity used a set of rules, then all of the data required for those rules would need to be provided for the activity to make appropriate decisions. When focused on redesigning the mid-level process the team would focus on capturing the business rules involved in making decisions. If they used a software tool to capture the rules—by far the best practice if many rules are involved—then they would have a way of tracking the data required to drive the rules."

    Idiom agrees strongly with this approach, which is described in greater detail in the Idiom authored article on Modern Analyst  here: http://www.modernanalyst.com/Resources/Articles/tabid/115/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/1354/Requirements-and-the-Beast-of-Complexity.aspx
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