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    Mark Norton  10 February 2010 10:57:32 AM
    The Repository Template Wizard is a feature designed to permit the distribution of a Repository in 'Template' form to other licensees. A template is a standard Respository containing decision models that are standard in every respect. Before issuing the Repository as a template, we would expect that it be complete, tested, and of some value to the intended recipients - for instance, it might provide default behavior, or a model of best practice decision making. To create a template from the finished repository, follow the steps of the Repository Template Wizard [Tools|Wizards]. The sub-licensee is any valid IDIOM Issued license or sub-license, but not an IDIOM Lite license. This feature is particularly targeted at sub-licensees but may be used between other IDIOM Customer Licenses. The Repository Template is simply imported by the sub or other party licensee. Subject to the template settings, it can then be extended by the recipient as follows:
    • Any decision or decision group in the template can be disabled (action set to ‘None’);
    • The formula under any decision can be replaced;
    • New decisions and decision groups can be added.

    None of the above actions affect the template. Similarly, updating the template will not affect the above changes. This means that best practice solutions can be deployed and put to work without either the author or the recipient being constrained. Changes in either the Template or the recipient's Repository will be merged automatically when upgrading to a new version of the Template.
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