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      A decision model is a means of delegation

      Mark Norton  21 January 2013 10:43:53 AM
      The Idiom definition of a decision model is as follows:

      Defn: An ordered assembly of decisions that creates new and proprietary information to definitively determine an optimal course of action for the business.

      Because of its discrete and autonomous nature, a decision model is managed externally to the computer applications that use it (see also decisioning).
      A decision model is an automated proxy decision maker that can directly control both systems and business behavior in a well architected system. When we put the decision models in the hands of a power business user who is the authorised owner and by implication the ultimate subject matter authority for the relevant area of the business, then we allow that user to directly control how the business responds to relevant events. These power users are the business users and subject matter experts who are the legitimate owners of the area of business that is controlled or influenced by the decision making under their control.

      The Idiom Decision Manager allows decision models to be promoted into computer applications through IT sanctioned processes that need not require hands-on IT intervention. Therefore, when a decision model is assigned to a power user then it is fair to say that the aspect of systems or business behavior that is controlled by that decision model has been delegated from the application to the responsible user. The decision model itself is the means of delegation.

      This delegation of direct, hands-on control of the programmed components (the decision models) that make the decisions in applications reclaims business control for the authorised business owners without compromising system integrity. Having a single source of truth (the business owner) for both the development of business policy and the decisioning that implements that policy reduces both business and IT risk while improving business agility and decision making transparency. At the same time the shorter change cycle implied ensures lower costs and improved timeliness.