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    Tip: Network: Connection lost to server

    Michael Rentschler  24 February 2010 09:39:17 AM
    Connection loss between the IDIOM Decision Manager and its Repository Server can have several causes.
    Image:Tip: Network: Connection lost to server

    Please follow these steps to assess what causes your connection issues. Please do not hesitate to contact us at idiomsupport@idiomsoftware.com if these steps do not help to solve your problem.

    1.        Firewall: Ensure that the Windows Firewall is configured correctly. Please refer to the related Blog entries. It is important that the Decision Manager is added to the Firewall exception list, because the Repository Server opens a connection to the client as well.

    2.        Server Time Out: Especially when working with very large Repositories it might be necessary to increase the time out time between the server and the client. You can access this setting via the Repository Server Installer’s repair functionality or directly via "C:\Program Files\Idiom Software\Idiom Repository Server V4.0\Config.xml".
    Image:Tip: Network: Connection lost to server

    3.        Network Issues: Decision Manager is not able to automatically re-connect to the Repository Server after the network was disconnected (i.e.: network cable unplugged, flaky wireless connection, server restarted etc). If this is the case please try to stabilize your network and/or reconnect to the server by closing the Decision Manager and opening it again.